Celebrating your special day.

Dream it.

The vision of Park City Community Church is to be a community of faith where people are discovering and living out God’s purpose for their lives. Part of that vision involves our commitment to building strong marriages, supporting families, and building relationships within our church community.

As a Christian church in the United Methodist tradition we believe that weddings, as well as other services conducted in the church, are primarily designed to be worship experiences that connect us more deeply with God and with each other. When we celebrate a wedding, we do so as part of a larger community of faith as we seek to build relationships with couples and become a resource to them in their life together.

Wedding Guidelines

Our wedding guidelines reflect this vision. We don’t merely “do weddings” here, but seek to build long-term relationships with couples and welcome them into our church family, whether they are here for a short time or become permanent residents of Park City. To that end, our Pastor has set the following guidelines for weddings at Park City Community Church:

1. Community of Faith Getting married in a church makes a statement about who you are as a couple or who you want to become. If you are not currently part of a church family, we encourage you to establish a relationship with our church by joining us for worship or, if you are from out of town, getting connected to a local church in your area. We believe that the relationships we establish through a community of faith are vitally important to the success of a marriage. Bottom line is that we hope to see you beyond the wedding!

On the other hand, if you do not intend to connect with a church family either before or after your wedding, we will likely advise you to check into another venue. We want to make sure that our worship space is used with integrity, and that means that it’s more to us than just a pretty place to have a wedding. We can advise you on other settings if that would be helpful to you. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

2. Wedding Content All wedding services are conducted in the Protestant Christian tradition, using the United Methodist Book of Worship as a guide. While the Pastor will consult with the couple on the ceremony, she reserves the right to determine the final content and conduct of the wedding.

3. Pastor Participation All wedding services will be officiated by the Pastor of Park City Community Church. In some special circumstances, the ceremony may be conducted by another approved and ordained minister in the Protestant Christian tradition. The Pastor of Park City Community Church must approve the participation of any other clergy in the wedding ceremony.

4. Pre-marital Consultations Since we believe that weddings are about relationships – not just the relationships of couples with each other, but also their relationship with the church -couples being married at Park City Community Church must participate in three pre-marital consultations with the Pastor prior to the ceremony. The first of these sessions is to gather information, talk about our wedding guidelines, and establish a relationship. If both the couple and Pastor agree that the wedding is a “go,” the second session will focus on the couple’s relationship using a written inventory that the couple will complete separately prior to that session. The third session will focus on the ceremony itself and will also involve the church’s Wedding Coordinator.

Couples should schedule these sessions well in advance, particularly if you are from out of town. In rare cases and with prior approval by the Pastor, premarital counseling can be done by another clergy or counselor in your home area.

5. Wedding/Facility Fees The fee for a non-member wedding at Park City Community Church is $3000, which includes use of the sanctuary and necessary rooms for both the service and the rehearsal, the services of our Wedding Facilitator (which is required, regardless of whether you have your own Wedding Coordinator), the Pastor’s honorarium, and other related fees. Member fee is $1500. In addition, a $500 security and damage deposit is required. All fees are to be paid at least two weeks in advance of the wedding date. If you wish to have your reception on site, as well, note we do not permit alcohol on the premises.